Thursday 21 July 2016

International financial advisors – Time to change companies?

Its common knowledge that a large number of international financial advisors changes jobs quite often...and for various reasons.

So, when is the writing on the wall? When is it time to move onto something not necessarily BIGGER, but simply BETTER?

Here are a few points perhaps to consider:
  • Your company is not licensed and/or regulated in a particular jurisdiction – You’re tired of flying “under the radar” as it were.
  • You feel like a number…many promises were made perhaps, but you feel like you’re going nowhere slowly.
  • The work that you’re currently doing makes you feel like a policy peddler rather than a Wealth Manager or financial services professional. This is supposed to be a life style career…not so?
  • Perhaps you’re tired of the constant; “YOU / YOUR COMPANY AGAIN !!?” responses on the telephone?
  • Training is “so-so”, perhaps nothing special…there are no real roll models around.
  • What you’re doing has become a JOB…not quite what you signed up for.
  • The industry is changing fast and your company does not seem to be able to cope with all the recent changes…OR have the resources to adapt to modern methodologies
These are just some of the remarks we’ve come across when interacting with IFA candidates.

So, is it perhaps time to change? Why not put your training and experience to good use rather than plodding along for the sake of convenience, perhas familiarity...which is all a false sense of security. Last time I checked non reciprocated loyalty and positive growth does not pay the bills !

Why consider using IFA Recruit and see what might be out there for you?
  • We work with only a carefully selected panel of reputable international IFA companies and boutique style Wealth Management firms. Not everyone gets to work with us.
  • It doesn’t cost you ANYTHING to inquire other than perhaps a few minutes of your time and an email message. Remember, those who don’t ASK don’t GET. The saying usually goes that “you have nothing to lose”…but coming to think if it, you might have a LOT to lose by doing nothing about your current situation. Can you afford NOT to see what’s out there?
What makes us really stand out?
  • We have been exactly where you are, working as IFA’s internationally…so, we “get” it and we sit on both sides of the table.
  • We recently staffed a whole office for a reputable client…and as bonus, we threw in about 2000 professional contacts for the coordinators / advisors to use…Why? Well, because we can, and because we like doing things like that.
So, perhaps it’s time to consider your options...? Just a thought.

One of our most celebrated, multi award winning IFA company clients in the UAE says it best, and we quote:

Talk to us today or you could just end up always wondering…”What IF ??”

Tania @ Web:

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