Monday 21 November 2016

Financial Adviser: You are the general of your life, right? | Tanya van Niekerk IFA Jobs | Pulse | LinkedIn

Financial Adviser: You are the general of your life, right? | Tanya van Niekerk IFA Jobs | Pulse | LinkedIn

Hi there everyone

Today I want to ask you this: What would you think of a general who
rushed into battle without a plan? A general who squandered blood,
sweat and tears without a meticulously planned strategy?

There isn't a general alive today who fights a tougher battle than
you do, and, through it all, you have to work at your job, be a parent, a
mate, a lover as well as being a responsible citizen – during any given
24-hour period.

But let me ask you a frank question, General, for you are the
general of your life and to those who look to you for support and love,
are you ‘winging’ it? Improvising? Hoping that hard work and luck alone
will do the trick?

Well, Friends, no real general, however much his back is to the
wall, would fight without a carefully thought-out plan. So why fight
without a proper advisory career plan or strategy?

You can have such a strategy and plan in short order, not some
generic, one-size-fits-all job, but tailor-made advice designed just for

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